

Welcome to my blog. I'll be going documenting how I go to where I am and where I am headed!!

A Seemingly "Good" Decision

A Seemingly "Good" Decision


Hey everyone, I am sorry for the lack of a post last week.  I have been working like a dog recently and I decided to take a week off.  I hope that’s ok, I am back at it now.  I think I am going to try to ramp up the frequency again too.  I have another writing project that I am going to work on and I need the practice.  Stay tuned for that by the way.  I should be fun.

Ok, I am getting back to the actual story of how I ended up where and how  I am right now.  Which, by the way, is still a really messed up, conflicted, struggling dude but much happier and at least aimed in what I would call the right direction.  If you have been following along, you know that I had descended into the pit of despair, somehow didn’t lose it all, and am now clawing my way out.  

Things were rolling along pretty well in life and at the shop.  I finally hired another mechanic (remember this is still from years ago) and a front end guy and we were clicking right along.  I was beginning to pay my debt down and my family and I were getting along pretty well.  Ruth and I were starting to connect again but it was still a struggle.  As you can imagine, having an affair really puts a nasty strain on a marriage and if you survive it like we did, it takes a really, really long time to heal.  We are still healing from my mistake in fact.  

Anyway, like most times in my life, when things were smoothing out I subconsciously decided that I couldn’t have that.  For some unfathomable reason, I just can’t do smooth. I have to shake things up.  I was moving the ball in the right direction and I figured that I had everything under control so why not try to grow my business.  Not some little step up or some calculated progress but a giant step into the unknown that would cost a ton of money and be a massive risk.  Yeah, that sounds like a great idea for the business and my healing marriage.  So, after reading some business books and thinking for a total of 53 minutes I decided to open a second location.  I mean, how hard could it be?  It had only taken me 8 years to flounder through getting one shop up and running OK, so this one should be a snap right??  

The crazy part about this story as it unfolds is that so very much of it seemed to be perfect.  There were obstacles that just fell out of the way, tons of support, everything seemed to line up but in the end, it was still a massive mistake that I am paying for today.  I guess I can't really say "in the end" yet.  God's plan for me is still unfolding and will until the day I extit this drama and everything is a learning opportunity.  I am going to stop here this morning and I will rejoin you in just a couple days.  I am going to try to get one of these out every other day, or as often as I can.  I really appreciate all of the support you guys have given me as I try to figure out how to write and how to do this whole blog thing.  I know it hasn’t been perfect but I think I am doing ok.  If you have time, shoot me an email and let me know what you think.  I am not just looking for praise, I want honesty because I really want to do this and I really want to help people who, like me, are a mess.  Anyway, thanks again and stay tuned!  

Oh and today I am grateful for air conditioning, getting up early and my two goofy kids.  What are you thankful for???

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I Borrowed More Money

I Borrowed More Money

