

Welcome to my blog. I'll be going documenting how I go to where I am and where I am headed!!

Counter Culture Day

Counter Culture Day


It was a beautiful day in Western Colorado today!  And the Spradlings spent as much time as possible going against the grain of our current society.  That’s right, we did our best to not conform.  Wanna know why? Because I think that our current trend in popular culture is junk!  There ya go.  Careful because what is about to come will probably offend some people.  And one of my favorite quotes is “People who are easily offended should be offended more often” - Mae West

Here is how it went down.  We got up and went to church.  We are Christians and we believe in Jesus Christ and the Gospel.  We believe that we are broken and need help that we can’t provide ourselves and that Jesus died on a cross to save us.  Our culture is all about how we can take care of ourselves and how its all about our strength.  Well I can tell you that I am a pretty strong dude and have done some pretty tough things but I can’t fix my REAL problems by myself.  I have tried and tried and every time its ended up worse than before.  It wasn’t until giving my life over to God that things began to get better.


Next, I took the boys out to the woods with bb guns and air soft pistols.  We geared up (safety goggles and chest protectors) and proceeded to shoot each other and things outside.  Yep, we shot guns at each other in fun.  I am so freaking tired of our society going nuts over kids with play guns.  You know what happens when you don’t give your kids play guns, they pretend they have guns with sticks.  Then what do you do? Take all the sticks away?  My kids are boys and boys do boy things like shoot and play and get hurt.  I know that there are people out there who believe in all this “I identify as a … “ crap but I don’t.  If you have the plumbing you are a boy or a girl and guess what???  Boys and girls are DIFFERENT!!!!  I know its super against the grain to say something like that but I am saying it.  If you want to argue about it you can email me at or comment below.  We had a blast out in the warm sun playing and being men.  


After a few hours outside we headed over to the recreation center.  That doesn’t sound too out of line with what our culture believes in but my kids decided that the entire rec center was France and we were storming the beaches and cliffs on D-Day.  We charged into the pool pretending to be shot and carry the others off.  Then we climbed the climbing wall to get to the german installations and throw grenades into them to blow the Nazi’s up!  Uh Huh, I am happily teaching (actually my wonderful father in-law is doing most of the teaching) my kids about World War 2 and the atrocities that happened during that terrible time.  The best way to repeat mistakes is to forget that they happened and I don’t want my boys to not know our past.  


There ya go, that’s one of many ways the Spradlings spend a Sunday.  I hope you and your family or friends got out and went against the grain too.   The grain in this country isn’t going the right way and the only way to fix that is to fight it.  And spread love too.  Get out and love on someone!  This world needs LOVE bad!!  Oh and what three things are you grateful for?

Thanks for reading again!  I'll be back to my journey tomorrow morning.  Hope you enjoy this as much as I do.  Make sure you share, comment or like if the feeling moves you.  And as always you can reach me at

My Not So Triumphant Return From Phoenix

My Not So Triumphant Return From Phoenix

Good Morning!

Good Morning!