

Welcome to my blog. I'll be going documenting how I go to where I am and where I am headed!!

Wear Out Or Rust Out!

Wear Out Or Rust Out!


“We all must either rust out or wear out. I choose to wear out!” Theodore Roosevelt.

I have been listening to a phenomenal book called “The Obstacle Is The Way” and that quote came up in it during one of my bicycle rides and it struck very close to home. I have been asked numerous times by family and friends, why do you still do all of the crazy things that you do. My response has always been something like, “Uh… I like doing them” or “Because I like it” but after hearing that quote and doing some thinking I think that I have made a conscious choice to wear out rather than rust out.

God gave me this amazing piece of machinery called a body and I only get it for about 80 years. I want to wear it all the way out. I don’t want to have anything left. I think it would be a massive waste to go to the grave and have not used it all the way up. I want to enjoy as much as I can as early as I can because I never know when I am going to shed this mortal coil and go to be with my maker.

I think that this choice goes for your mind too. Your brain can oxidize if you don’t use it enough and I don’t want that happening. That is why I try to engage in as many things as I possibly can. It’s the reason I am writing this blog and the reason I am trying to grow my business. It’s not because I want to be biggering and biggering (Look up Dr. Suess) its because I love the mental challenge that it brings and the fact that it stimulates my tiny brain to stay sharp and grow.

I am going to stop this a little short because I am working on something big for my biz and I need to get after it. I hope that all of you are having a wonderful day and that you are wearing out rather than rusting out. We were not built by God to be sedentary. If you find yourself struggling to stay after it, don’t worry. There is always tomorrow!

Have a brilliant day and make sure you spread love, peace and joy in your world. Life isn’t about what happens to us but how we perceive it and how we decide to react to it!

Today I am grateful for winter, snow to fill the reservoirs and my amazing family who loves me even though I am flawed and make a ton of mistakes.

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Welcome 2019

Welcome 2019