Another connection!
Look at that THUMB!!!
Ok, back to the story. Sorry about the rant yesterday but it was on my mind. You’ll remember that I have met a random guy in the Colorado mountains and he ended up being a key to success in Mexico. Now I had at least one step to take to make my bike ready and some people to connect with that year when Ruth and I headed down to watch the race. The rest of the summer of 2005 was great. I continued to ride and ride and I worked on the XR to get it ready.
I was loving my job too. I got to be around motorcycles and motorcycle people all day. It was my dream at the time. One day while I’m at the shop a goofy, older guy walks in and introduces himself as the Pirelli, Metzler representative for Parts Unlimited. He was in town to ride and wanted someone to show him around. “I’d love to,” I said and we made a plan. Dave showed up on time Sunday morning and we headed to the hills. I didn’t know how he rode so we started out kinda easy and worked up to the harder stuff up near the Cement Creek area. Dave Fulkerson was the next in a long line of riders who taught me that old guys are deceiving! Dave had no problems and we hammered down all day. We laughed and had a blast while we motored around the mountains and we talked about my upcoming trip to Baja to race the 1000.
Dave was so generous, he said that he would like to sponsor my race with some tires. WHAT?? “Oh my gosh” (That’s back when we said that whole phrase) “Thank you so much, Dave!” I couldn’t believe it. In the space of a few months after deciding to race, 2 people had come into my life that would end up helping in a BIG way. Everything was coming together without me really doing anything. If that isn’t God working, then I don’t know what it is.
I believe that we all have a path and a God-given vision to follow in our lives. I also believe that we have the ability to choose to follow that path the easy or the hard way. When we follow the easy version, things fall in line and stuff tends to work out. When we decide to take the harder line, things tend to beat us up and knock us down. I know that is too simple and that you can't distill life down that far. No, no, no! Life is going to be hard no matter whatyou do, that is what makes us tough, makes us strong and grows us into what and who we need to be. As you will see with my journey, life is a series of big ups and big downs. Right now on the trip, I am headed up and things are cheery and wonderful but just wait, they don’t stay that way. Some of the bumps, bruises, and scars came by “accident” and some came through horrible decisions on my part.
Thanks again so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this. Like always I will ask you to, like, share or comment if you want to. I really think there are some people out there who might need to hear what I am saying and I want to reach as many as possible.
Make sure you write down the 3 things you are grateful for today too. Mine are: My wonderful dogs and cat, a heater what works in my house, and coffee (was tough getting up this morning)
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Nice 2 mile hike with my buddy! Hip just keeps getting better!
Thank you Karl Leuthauser and team for crushing it today!!! “Make me a vessel, make me an offering, make me whatev…