My Testimony
First of all, thank you for reading my ramblings over these months. This journey has been very good for me and I hope it's been good for some of you. Some of you have reached out and told me some of your stories and I am touched deeply by your words. I am late in getting this one out and I am sorry for that. I am switching it up this week and bringing you my video testimony that I recorded for my church. The theme for this year at Grace is "Touch One Life" and Karl at Grace Community Church asked me to share my story in hopes that we could maybe do that.
I can tell you that it was really hard to sit in front of the camera and say what I said. But that paled in comparison to sitting in church while it played in front of everyone. I was so nervous and scared. I am not sure exactly what I was afraid of, maybe that people would hate me, feel terribly sorry for Ruth and tell her to ditch me?? Either way, it was unfounded. After the service, I had so many people come up to me and tell me "thank you" for telling my story and give me hugs. It was so reassuring to have my community love me in spite of me and my bad decisions. It is a rarity these days to be loved unconditionally and I feel loved by my church and all of you who have reached out and been so kind. I am really excited to continue the story and show the hope that comes from God and perseverance. If you like the dirty gnarly stuff, don't worry, there is plenty more of that to come. It took YEARS to get better! So without further ado, here is my story in video form. Don't worry, it's only 4 minutes!
As always, I would love to connect, if you feel like talking or just want to share something with a guy who has screwed it up really bad and understands how horrible decisions are made you can either comment below or shoot me an email at I read every one and respond personally to all of them. Also, if you know someone who needs to see this, please share it. You don't have to do it publicly on social media, you can just copy and paste the URL up top or the Vimeo URL right to a text or email.
Don't forget to be thankful today! Today I am grateful that it is the beginning of Thursday Night Rides, that I am healthy, and that I have a great crew working for me!
I am going to slow down on releasing these because I have another writing project that I need to finish so I will be publishing a new blog every Wednesday morning for a while. If you want to get an email every time I do that, please subscribe below. I promise not to spam you and you can opt out any time
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