

Welcome to my blog. I'll be going documenting how I go to where I am and where I am headed!!

The Building Fell Into My Lap

The Building Fell Into My Lap

Good morning!  You will remember from my last post that I was beginning the path toward having two shops.  I had made the decision to do it and was starting to figure out how.  My first hurdle was to borrow the money.  Not the best idea since I had just been able to pay down a lot of the debt from starting the first shop but in my foolish belief that I was right, I moved ahead anyway.  The bank said sure, I coerced Ruth into signing the loan documents and “BAM” we had a pile of money at our disposal.  Now it was time for a location.  

I called a realtor up in GJ and they showed me some stuff but none of it looked good so I drove around town.  I was just cruising around when I spotted a nice looking building right on the highway.  I looked empty so I pulled in.  The sign out front said to call for storage spaces but the inside of the building looked vacant.  It didn’t say it was for rent and it wasn’t listed anywhere for rent but I called the number anyway.  When the owner answered I asked if his building was for rent.  “No, not really,” he said.  “Well, would you be interested in renting it?”  The conversation went on for bit and we hung up agreeing that it wasn’t for rent but that if he ever changed his mind he would call me.  

I figured I needed to find another place so I kept looking.  I was getting anxious because like most things in my life, when I decide on something I get in a hurry.  I get impatient and normally that ends up being a bad sign.  I have done that so many times in my life that you think I would recognize it now and take warning but nope!  I still get in a hurry and make bad decisions.  So I kept looking and looking for a spot but nothing came up and then, all of a sudden, out of no where the owner of the building calls me and says “maybe we can work something out.”  I was ecstatic!  It was like God was guiding me toward this and I must be on the right path, right???  We met and agreed on a price and a start date.  I was over the moon, I just knew this was going to be my big break and that everything was going to be great!  I called Ruth and told her, she even agreed that it seemed like it was in God’s plan.  I couldn’t fail!!!

Hahaha, that seems so funny to say now.  I definitely don’t claim to know what God’s plans are but I am pretty confident that I wasn’t seeing quite right.  Or maybe the plan all along was to lead me to where I am now and that wouldn’t have been possible without this colossal failure.

Thanks everyone for reading along again.  Stay tuned and learn how NOT to run a second location.  By the way, I am working on another project that will be a bit longer than a blog post.  If you are at all interested in that, email me at and just say “interested”  Or you can say hi and talk about other things.  I always love hearing from you guys, it brightens my days!

Today I am thankful for strong coffee (was hard getting up), dirt bikes and having clothes to wear.  I know that sounds silly but seriously, how lucky am I that I have plenty of clothes.  Anyway, have a great day and be grateful!!!

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I Borrowed More Money

I Borrowed More Money