

Welcome to my blog. I'll be going documenting how I go to where I am and where I am headed!!

I Borrowed More Money

I Borrowed More Money


Ok, ok, ok, darn it I am behind again!  No excuses, just late.  Sorry everyone but here we go anyway.

So you’ll remember from my last post that I made a decision to open another location for Highland Cycles.  I based that decision on the fact that I had the Montrose shop finally making money and that I had a good crew that I could borrow from to get the new location up an running. Both of those things were true but, I had ZERO idea about how much more work having two locations would be.  I figured that since I had a solid recipe down here that I would just replicate that recipe in another place and it would just rock and roll!  

Like so many things in my life, I made this decision pretty much completely on my own.  I talked to my wife about it but in reality, I made up my mind alone and then proceeded to convince Ruth that it was a good idea without really listening to her or her concerns.  When I first mentioned the idea I remember her first reaction was something like this, “Are you kidding me? Do you remember how much stress all of this has caused you?  You really want to double that?”  Or something insightful like that.  Of course, I have the gift that so many entrepreneurs have.  I like to call it a rose-colored rearview mirror.  As time passes the hard times and suffering seem to fade away and only the positive side of things shine.  I forget all of the sleepless nights and stress-induced weight gain.  I gloss over the poor decisions and massive mistakes I have made and just seem to remember all of the fun.  

So as I moved forward in my decision, even though Ruth really didn’t want me to do it, I figured this was going to be a slam dunk.  Like I said, I had made my mind up and now I had to figure out how to bend the world to my will.  The first big obstacle was the money.  Now I had just dug myself out of debt.  Not all the way of course (I’m really not a very smart person) but pretty close.  So I figured why not borrow a bunch of money again?  I will pay that back too and then I will have two solid revenue streams.  So I went to the bank, asked for the money and they gave it to me.  It was easy, I figured that if God didn’t want me to do this then He would block me here and make it too hard to get a loan.  So when the bank said “sure” I figured that it was a green light from God too.  The funny thing about God is that He doesn’t always use the signs and things that we put on Him.  Weird right?  
Ruth was hesitant and reminded me that this maybe wasn’t the greatest idea but I was dead set and determined!  I talked her into it and one hurdle was behind us.  Maybe God wasn’t using a bank to stop me but the gentle voice of my loving wife?  Nah!!  He wouldn’t do that!

Thanks, everyone for reading along.  I am really going to try to get these out more often.  This is a great part of the story and one that I think a lot of business owners and would be entrepreneurs might want to check out so if you know someone like that, please share this around!  I so appreciate all of the love and support you guys have given me as I muddle through learning how to write.  I hope it is ok and that reading it is something you enjoy.  If you have some suggestions of how to make it better or more interesting I would love it.  I know that one is to do them more frequently so I am working on that.  Any other suggestions, please send them to

Have a great day and be thankful.  Today I am thankful for some much-needed rain in the mountains, DIRTBIKES and my family!

The Building Fell Into My Lap

The Building Fell Into My Lap

A Seemingly "Good" Decision

A Seemingly "Good" Decision